May 24, 2020

Fabienne's diary - Luxor, a large, soft goofball ..

Luxor is a somewhat larger dog with a blissfully sweet character. He was rescued from the killing station nearby, where his days were numbered. Incredible but true, but this sweetie just wants to sit and cuddle with its big body. He is super social with other dogs, his caretakers have nothing but  praise for him.

He was saved in time, but you still wonder how you can let such a dog, a dog that would not  hurt a fly, come to an end like this.  He is super enthusiastic when he sees you again, loves to go for a game and he loves walking! He is not a pure breed but he is unique of his kind, you can say that for sure. A big goofball with a very big heart!

For more information about lovely Luxor, please click on his name.

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