Monday 5th December, 2022
The following post was, in essence, taken from a post dated July 2012. I don't have the stories of all of the dogs ... but all to my knowledge were adopted. I particularly remember Golfito, whom I met with his new family on one of the ACE days.
Every single dog saved by A.C.E. is a soul worth saving. Each one deserving of a happy future, full of love, with a warm basket and an adoring family.
Lame, blind, deaf, incontinent, traumatised – these and other conditions are never seen as reasons to reject or euthanize. They are seen as a challenge and a reason to strive by every means possible to heal, cure or, where that’s not possible, to find a way round the problem.
And our foster families and our adopting families have hearts as big as the world. They open them to all our dogs, not simply the young and beautiful, but to the old and physically challenged – to the halt and the lame.
So – here are just a few of the ‘special needs’ dogs that were in our care in 2012. All gorgeous darlings who were waiting for that special family who would wipe away their dreadful memories and show them how wonderful and kind humans can be.
If anyone reading this remembers these lovely souls, maybe you even adopted one of them, I'll be happy to put an update on the blog.



*The quote is from the King James bible. 'Halt' means something like 'impaired' or sick in some way.