"Rubbish Bin Dizzy" was found in the Spanish fields, all alone and heavily pregnant. Because Dizzy was in a miserable state, she was taken to a killing station. Now she is looking for a new home.
Spanish shelters do not receive a penny subsidy, but each big city has a killing station paid for by the municipality, where forty euros is paid to them for each dog delivered to them. Or the owners throw their own dog over the fences - having neither the sense or time to look after them themselves.
Once inside, the animals are assigned a mark from one to ten: that is the number of days that remain before they will be put down. In the meantime, the dogs get no food or the cheapest food available, water from a dirty bowl with algae floating on the top and where the pups lie in their own faeces for days.
They do not take care of any sick dogs, often they die before it's time for the lethal injection. In the Netherlands dogs are sedated first: in Spain they inject directly into their veins or heart, causing them to die a very painful death. In other killing stations dogs are gassed in groups. Dizzy was lucky: an ACE-charity volunteer pulled her away from the killing station; she gave birth the same evening. But all her puppies died and Dizzy needed a month to recover before she went to foster care in the Netherlands. She's there now waiting for a forever boss forever, (together with four hundred other dogs in foster care or in the Refugio.)
Would you like to be Dizzy's new owner soon? If so please contact Vivien of ACE-charity. If Dizzy has already found a boss, do not worry. ACE-charity has many more dogs in their shelter who are eager to find a home. And they are all as sweet and fun as Dizzy. Are you curious about these four-legged friends? If so please look here.
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