August 05, 2016

Santino - forget me not!

A message from Santino 
(translated from the text on the little film)

I want to get over my fears .. I hope ... I dream.
Do you have a place for me?
Please let me into your life.
I am waiting for you .. Love Santino

Please don't forget me.

Click here to see his film.

Santino is a special dog. Together with his big friends Loman and Ayelen they roamed around the refinary at Algeciras. At first they were managing well but then it became too dangerous to stay there. Eventually we managed to catch them and take them to our shelter. This was a big adjustment for them - a caged life was a difficult transition to make from their former freedom.

A dog like Santino comes with very special needs. With his friends he fended for himself for years so when he came to us he wasn't human focused and it took time and patience to gain his trust because of his fear and the fact that he only knew how to survive. He's not a beginner's dog nor a dog for a family with children 

Santino has been with us for four years and is now eight. We don't want to see him spend the rest of his days in the shelter. We are looking for a very special someone who will have patience and perseverence, a person with knowlege who can help this lovely dog gradually overcome his fear and lead a life of togetherness and love. Who will understand and persevere and give him the chance he deserves.   

Please don't forget him and contact us for full details about this lovely dog.

Read more about Santino on Fabienne's Diary.

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