Our old boy MARTIN lived for 13 years in a suffocating cage, where he was starved so that he would hunt well. Martin has never known what it is to have a basket or to experience love. For all those long years he didn't know them. The poor beast never experienced fredom and yet he doesn't ask for much more: some warmth and a little love, someone who loves him, if only for a moment ...
His companion, CORINA, a dachshund, is still so young but she's already lived her her entire life in a cage. She's a very sweet and social girl. Cuddling is her favourite thing. She live with Martin and SIXTO, a small Maneto Podenco, who's already endured 8 years locked up, in other words for his entire life.
For Sixto this is all very difficult. He does not understand at all ... He's still a little scared but he has a heart of gold. He looks around, observes everything and is slowly learning that things can be different, that people can be nice.
These three have never known a hug, let alone a warm basket or a bowl of good food. These things don't exist in the life they have had so far, unknow and unloved.
But all that will change now.

Our gentle oldie - locked up for 13 years without love or food.

Poor little girl has also been locked up her whole life - eight long years.

A scared little fellow with a heart of gold who's learning that people can be nice.
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