Bonus - how could they be so heartless?
Nobody except the volunteer took any notice of this sweet puppy except, luckily, the volunteer. And so Bonus grew up, as puppies do. Now, in December, he has become a big boy. Why should this treasure of a dog have had to grow up in a killing station, where death is always just around the corner.
He is a friendly, sweet character. A quiet fellow who has never
known a warm basket under him, never got a nice bone, who quietly undergoes what life throws at him, not knowing how things could be different.
We want now to surprise him with an owner that
will come and rescue and love him. He grew up as a forgotten and disregarded creature. But he is much more than this, he has so much to offer, so much to give ... Do not forget him. Don't let him stay in the killing station. Please take this chance to save and love this unprecedented star, this real shining star.

Growing up - without ever knowing what it is to have a warm basket.

A shining star.

Six months in the killing station - with death always round the corner.

A good sweet character, who deserves so much better.
Sweet Bonus has been reserved. Here's hoping that he soon has his warm blanket. Happy Christmas sweet boy.
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