Naranja. The sweetest dog ever.
Naranja is no Miss World, no "Wow" dog, but she is so indescribably sweet that you cannot forget her, once you know her. She is a special, sensitive, loving human and animal lover.
Naranja is still living in a killing station, where she is being protected by a volunteer who loves her and who so much wants a good, loving home for her.
That's why we were asked to help. Naranja came to the killing station heavily pregnant and was given an abortion with the help of a lady who wanted didn't want any puppies to have to endure this hell, as they would have done.
Naranja is still in the killing station.
We are so in love and in this unseen, unknown dog. The volunteers explained that she has a wonderful characnter and is a quiet, simple soul. Sociable, pleasant and always infinitely full of friendship. She may not be a Miss Wolrd, but her beautiful character is worth so much more than this title.

Naranja loves humans.

Gentle, patient Naranja.

A quiet, simple soul.
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