Cleaning a section
A week or so ago Henriette flew to Spain to pick up some
dogs. (This post is a bit late as I have to translate from the Dutch first). The trip is paid for by the group Fly a Dog Home whose members deposit
money every month so that the dogs can fly home! Flights are so expensive so we are very grateful to this group for helping us get our doggies to their forever homes.
This is Henriette's report:
What a nice weekend I've had !!!
Friday I flew to Malaga and upon arrival was taken to
the refugio. All day I cuddled the dogs, walked them and helped all the dear
people there. What a good job they are doing and what an inspiration to us. I have totally fallen in love with a couple of dogs, well I wasn't exactly surprised to feel such emtion and as expected there at home we are still debating! We are
not there yet ... but where are already two dogs, surely a third is no problem!!!
Fabienne, took me on a tour, we saw the new buildings and heard all about the difficulties and obstancles that have been put in their path. Heard the stories about all the stupid rules
and regulations they must comply with. I met Dirk, the interns, well everyone
dus..wat a pressing all!
Saturday I flew back to the airport where all the new owners were in an anguish of waiting, as we in our turn had waited for our Evi (ACE Azahar). The elevator was not working so the dogs could not come up that way, so they had to have even more patience. But it was worth it and they all now have a nice new home!

Looking back towards the old clinic and the laundry room.

The temporary cages.

Looking past the big gate to the entrance gate. The office, bright red, on the left of the photo.

One of our sweethearts having a welcome cuddle.

Waiting patiently for a new forever home.


The great retaining wall and work in progress.

The foundations for the new cages.

Some of our doggies playing in the field.

They love the field. They can run around for a while every day.

Always great excitement when someone passes. This section is just outside the laundry.
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