October 04, 2016

Macho (with you he was Ruben)

Hello everyone,

Here a message from us. On October 3rd, Macho will have been with us for a whole year and he is the Spanish sunshine in the house !!

He has learned a lot in this year. He arrived in Rotterdam and was so scared, but he took us quickly into his loving dogs heart. Within a week he was already housebroken, but when he was really stressed he cocked his leg against everything but he learnt not to because he didn't like it when I was angry and within two days he went through the dog flap into the garden. He soon realized that there would be some cookies when he did that. The same with the lead. We had to put him on the lead but it is quite a job because he is afraid of it. But it helps that he really likes going out and he also listens well.

Everywhere I go he goes, even when I go to the toilet in the bathroom, he will lie on the mat until I am ready. And even stays for a while when we are having baths, see photo. If I am cooking, he lies at my feet. He even creeps into our bed (see photo).

He is the most rewarding and loving dog we have ever had. He plays a lot and is delighted with everything, but always on his guard. He gets spooked easily and when there are strange people in the house he keeps his distance or will bark loudly. At first he would nip them in the calf but he doesn't do that any more. We find it very funny that when we give him a bucket full of chunks he always steals a few and then runs away quickly, looking at us to see our reaction and that it's all OK.

He is so funny and dances with two front legs at the same time and we can not imagine our life without Macho.

I hope we can enjoy many years with our Spanish vagabond.

Greetings from Nicole, René and Kelsey van Nijnatten, from Breda

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