It was quite a job: 50 defenseless dogs in our midst. They were lucky, they got a chance. A lot of them are on the way to happiness, the golden basket is waiting for many, but unfortunately
we have lost nine of them in the struggle against the injustice inflicted on them.
They were so underfed and neglected as they had been so long without food and care. Despite how hard we fought to save them, lost the battle. It's so sad. They did not deserve to come into this world only to be so neglected, to be treated like that and then, when they were finally saved, to die.
how hard we have also fought for them, we have lost the battle with them ... So sad ...
Those who went:
8 + Mango + 10 Beer + 23 Evi + 28 Perra
29 + Faith + 30 Happy
31 Layka + + + 38 Trasko 39 Isabel
The other dogs are on the mend. Some are very ill, but Wonder for example, number 50, is cured of pneumonia. Joye and Semmy are getting better and we can save them.
We would like to thank again everyone who sympathized with us and helped save them. It is always heartening when you see these dogs gradually get back an appetite for life, when you see them strong again, standing on their feet again and playing in the meadow. Only when they are all in their golden basket will our little project be complete and our hearts warmed again!

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