All alone for two years with only oranges to survive on.
Poor Sien, until now his life has not been a succcess story.
He lived in a deserted house for two whole years. The house had a walled garden and for those two years he managed to survive on a diet of the oranges that were growing in the small garden. It is a miracle how the poor animal managed to stay alive……It is a miracle that he is still living……A miracle that nobody noticed…….
Sien is now living with us. He is suffering from anemia and is badly malnourished, he also seems hard of hearing. He is a complete wreck……He couldn't have gone on much longer……We are hoping that he may survive…..
His ordeal has been indescribable……..
He is a Bodeguero, a dog that has so much to offer. He expected so much of his life…..
He is now with us and firstly we are going to make him better and hope that he will recover completely. We have named him Sien, after the Dutch word for oranges (appelsienen) that were growing in the garden and that have kept him alive….

Have you come to rescue me?

You can practically see every bone in his poor little body.

Safe but bewildered

On his way to a happier future.
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