I had been following Ace for a while on Facebook and had already passed over many dogs. My husband always said, oh, have you seen that one already, and those ... I kept putting it off, because with a dog in the house and 2 cats, I did not dare to take home a rescue dog. Until the moment I saw our Wolf's photo, those eyes looking straight to my soul. In the evening my husband came home and again, oh, you've already seen Wolfy! Yes, have already looked him up, he is already in Belgium. Very soon after that we followed up with a visit to the great foster family, with our dog. It went very well, then there was the visit to our home to see how the cats would react. No problem. The week after we finally took our Wolf home with us, not regretting it for a second. t
The first months were not easy, but every day we saw him making progress and doing his best. Wolfy has now been almost a year with his family and we love him so much! Foster families are incredibly important and give many dogs that extra chance of happiness! So much respect to them!

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