In 2013 I came into contact with the Ace foundation. First as a foster carer, as a family, but we sound found out that we were not suited for this.
The first dog that came into our care did not leave!
But thenhen there was an email saying they were looking for aftercare volunteers and after getting some more information I signed up for it.And soon I was introduced to this work.
Now 5 years later and in the meantime having undertaken the aftercare, or the ongoing aftercare, for more than 600 dogs.
What fun it is to do and to see the developments over the course of a year.
From dogs that come to the adopters and are quickly at home, to dogs that are very anxious and who have to learn that life is not bad.
Because, however good or bad experiences they have had, a dog can still learn a lot and certainly the dogs who have had it badly can learn differently.
Very occasionally it does not go well, but even then there is another search for a golden basket in which the dog can grow and fortunately that usually succeeds.
I hope to be able to do this for the foundation for a long time, because wherever you are in the world, you can always give aftercare.
Greeting Saskia
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