January 09, 2012

Good Hair Day ...

 Many of our dogs come to us in in a terrible state and they badly need the hairdresser!. We generally have to take the complete coat off, the skin is mostly infected from years buried under a stinking coat. 

After they have been clipped they feel so happy, so free, so clean.  If anyone out there would like to help us and donate a visit from the hairdresser, we'd be very grateful.  It costs €20 for each visit.  If we just had to look after one dog, it would be OK, but we need to call in the hairdresser several times a week, nearly every week. 

Here you can see ELLEMIEKE and NOVA, after their visit to the 'salon'  running free, free from  all the past,...


Nova - before

Nova, after her bath.

"Now to get dried off."

"Are you nearly done?"

"That feels much, much better."

Ellemieke - before!

Ellemieke - after. In her smart new coat.

All nice and clean.

"Hey guys, it's still me."

"What d'you mean I smell funny. I smell nice!"

"Get your own coat!"

"You can have one too. Ask Fabienne."

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