Time goes too fast ... my Bonnie has gone ..
Often you don't see it coming. They run, they walk and romp around you, you live together side by side, every day. Life rushes by and you live every day together with them, unaware of the years flying past.
Bonnie came into our lives after she'd been standing on a vet's table somewhere, waiting to be euthenised. Time and time again her puppies had been born dead, so her time was up. Commercial breeding ... bah! She was so sweet and so grateful, so infinitely simple and alway so happy knowing she would never have to leave again.
Even though she was only with us for 6 years, she was a personality that we will carry in our hearts forever ...
She was our little girl. She was never a problem but always a pleasure, a wonderful sweetheart whom we will miss terribly .. it always hits you hard ... especially if you do not see it coming ..
The last few weeks she had difficuty moving, her back was worn out ... used up by giving birth to so many puppies ... she couldn't go on....
The night before she died Bonnie used all her strength to go to all our dogs, one by one, she sniffed them and gave them attention ...
Only today did I realised that she had been saying goodbye to them ... she knew.
My Bonnie has gone ...
Our sweet, discrete but so intensely special darling ...
You are no longer with us but you will always be there...
Rest softly now, my sweet Bonnie

Safe travels puppy dog, peace to those who loved you,
Thank you. She had a happy life after a terrible beginning, six years of love with Fabienne and Dirk.