In my golden basket (well it's grey but it's beautfiul isn't it.)
The Story of Sleeping Beauty (Billie)
I arrived in the Netherlands on January 22, in a very large aeroplane. That alone was pretty scary.
I was met by my new adoptive dad.
I had to go to Hertogenbosch, which seemed nice but after a few weeks my new dad didn't find me so nice after all, so I had to leave.
Yes, I came to stay with Aunt Denise. There were five other dogs there, which was fun but it was also very busy.
It was nice, I had a lot of playmates, and we could really enjoy ourselves, Aunt Denise let us go on the sofa, the table, the windowsill and what was really the best of all I was being allowed on the bed with the other dogs.
We went hiking every day, not loose because then I ran away, or we went out in the car. After a few weeks I heard Aunt Denise a few times talking on the phone with a strange lady. On Friday February 19 the bell rang, naturally we all barked and sniffed around this strange lady who had arrived with a Mr. I'm really afraid of strangers (probably from my Spanish life), but this gentleman was very good to me.
He took me for a a walk, which was rather pleasant. We came back and the lady asked 'what do you think ?' 'I think it's a super nice dog,'said Mr 'and if you think so too then we will take her.'
I found it quite scary enough, leaving all my friends but after a while I was driving to my new home. Though I wasn't sure if that was what was happening as I wasn't sure if there really was a golden basket for me.
But that evening I was able to work it out for myself and I did. There was a beautiful basket waiting for me and a ball, because I'm crazy about balls and a clump of rope to chew. We also went shopping in a big store. I was allowed to go inside, sitting in a cart. Lots of strangers came up to pet me because they thought I was so sweet.
When we got home I was really tired and fell sleep in my bed. I was allowed into the bedroom but yeah, not in the bed but in the basket beside it. I sleep like a Sleeping Beauty, haha that's my name now.
I'm super enjoying myself with my new dad, Ben, and my mama, Gertrude. Wherever we go, fo a birthday party or a visit I am getting used to people. In the car they think it is best that I have a dog seat, because otherwise I might get too excited. On Sunday they got me a lead, it's sooo long but otherwise I might go a bit crazy. I still have to learn to walk without it but my mum and dad are still a bit scared in case I should run off.
In a few weeks time, at Easter, we will go to Germany, to a hotel. I don't know where that is. It's
quite exciting, but mum says I must behave properly. And May I will go back to Spain in the plane, this time in a carrier under dad's seat. We will stay there for a few weeks in a big house with a garden, near the Refugio where I came from. Other people will also come to stay there, all members of the family mum says. There will be some men there too and I still find men scary. But mum hugs me and says 'it's all OK Sleeping Beauty. They won't harm you.'
When we are in Spain we will come and see you all in Mijas and then you'll be able to see how happy I am with my new mum and dad.
My basket really is a golden one and I am super happy here.
A lick and a paw from Sleeping Beauty (Billie)

With my new mama.

My special car seat - what a lucky boy I am.

Playing with my new ball.
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