September 26, 2015

Jaimy (Rembrandt) in Memoriam

Jaimy - 01.06.08 - 23.09.15

To my great sadness I must inform you that my beloved cockertje Jaimy is deceased.
An acute herniated disc made me decide that I had to put an end to his young life.
So much pain, so sick and lame on both hind legs ....

Jaimy, or James, when he came to me, did not know about his hidden hunting instinct, let alone the pleasure of walks.

James, who has evolved over time into a real hunting dog, no bird was safe.

James  who, when I was eating fries in the car always just tapped on my shoulder with his paw, hey please, don't forget me!

Oh dear, last Saturday during a long walk, I was more worried about Joey, given his heart problem.

Then came that morning, you were eating, you suddenly fell over and you so sadly were unable to stand, paralyzed, and nothing could be done despite all the injections and pain management.

Yeah, and then the last injection ... Just before I got a couple of big licks on my cheek and you bit me gently in my nose, as always.

When I took you out of the house on Wednesday morning, the radio was playing the song: Friends for Life, how apt.

I wear a ring containing the inscription, Jordy, Joey and James, my friends forever ...
Jordy and James, my little cockers from Spain ... no longer with us.
Now only Joey, my Spaniard is still there, with his friend Jody.
But, even though they are no longer on this earth, they remain forever in my heart.

Good night dear Jaimy,
Good night cocker man
Mommy'll stay with you
So you can finally sleep
Put your head down to rest
Close your eyes now
May the pain flow from you 
And go, now you can float,
Float to the light.

Goodbye dear treasure, thank you for all your love !!!

Tieske Nieland, Joey and Jody.

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