August 08, 2015

The adoption of Huub - No. 9797!

This is the story of the adoption of Huub, and how it came about. I feel I should stay quiet, but three months after his arrival I want to share my happiness.

 In May, I spent 5 days in the Refugio, where I got a text message from a friend:
'Take a look sometime at my virtual (sponsor) dog because no one has ever shown any interest in him ..." that was the opener.

I went, I looked, I took him to the beach. There was already a rapport and sure enough, three days later, we flew together to Belgium, Me & Huub number 9797.

The first night it was not so clear who was to sleep on the ground and who was to sleep on the sofa but after some explanation in Spanish, we came to an agreement.

And Huub, who two days later walked confidently around in our offices and in the restaurant, behaved as if he had never done anything else including sitting in the car (he has a distinct style). In short, we wouldn't be without him .

I always say, we have adopted a dog with socks and shoes. I can highly recommend it!

Yours sincerely,

Els Van Bouwel
Volunteer home visits and counseling flight SHIN

A distinctive style in the car!

Keeping a lookout.

Perfectly at home!

Having fun.

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