December 15, 2013

Third time lucky ...

... but the waiting takes its toll.  Two weeks ago Fabienne and Diane and other helpers drove off to the airport with several happy dogs, all washed and brushed up, who were going to be home in their golden baskets for Christmas. It wasn't to be. Hours later they were all back in the Refugio in their cold kennels. The plane they should have flown on had a problem with oxygen and wasn't going anywhere.

It was everyone's dearest wish to get them home for Christmas so Fabienne's decided to fly them at her own expense, not an easy thing to do given the financial struggles the Refugio is undergoing. So the next Sunday, a week later, off they all went to the airport again. And again the plane had not enough oxygen and once more the flight was cancelled. Unbelievable. Everyone was distraught and in tears - such a huge disappointment for everyone including the adopters waiting eagerly at the other side. The dogs didn't understand as they found themselves once again back in their cold cages.

Finally, finally, after all the disappointment, the tears and the wasted journeys back and forth, finally they were all allowed on the plane. 

Two weeks ago - on our way

About to go onto the plane.

What happened? Why are we going back?

I'm not getting out!

Everything crossed. Will it be third time lucky?

It was. They are home. Thanks to the determination of Fabienne and the team and through the generous donations received to help with the fares from very generous supporters (see next blog post).  

We are always looking for people to volunteer to fly with our dogs as escorts. At this time of the year especially as we so want to get the dogs home for Christmas and this is a particularly expensive time to fly. If anyone is flying from Malaga to Brussels (and to Amsterdam) and would be willing to act as escort, we and the dogs would be so grateful. 

All it means is checking the dogs in with your boarding card, we stay with you and when you have gone through to to departures we take the dogs and make sure they are safely through their security and onto the plane. You don't have to do anything except check them in and at the other end meet our representative to hand over their passports.  Full details are on the website.

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