There are some days you never forget. Days when the years of struggle and tears and effort and setbacks are finally behind you. When monsters are defeated and a happier future opens up.
Today came news from Fabienne of a great victory, hard won by the determination and courage of many people but at times seemingly impossible.
The full story is on Fabienne's Diary together with a lovely video. Here I will just give you the shorter version. Algeciras was for many years a killing station and earlier this year Paki won the right to take over the place. But she wasn't entirely free. The monster was still there, still employed, and she could do nothing about it.
This monster - to call him a man does a disservice to humanity - took great pleasure in killing the dogs, in the nastiest way possible. He killed them illegally and sadistically but no one could touch him. One story will be enough to show the extreme cruelty of this monster. Paky had found homes for a group of lovely Podencos. On the morning they were due to fly out to their new lives she went to the killing station to pick them up. And found them clubbed to death in their cages. It had been done, quite deliberately out of malice. Everyone knew who had done it, no one would speak.
Even though Paki is running Algeciras now, he continued to work there, he was under contract. She couldn't get rid of him. He still rounded up the dogs, picked them up in his van and no one could see or prevent what he did when out of sight. Now his contact is over. He's gone, together with his van and his cruel 'materials', which he used to trap and capture the dogs.
The whole place feels difference without his horrible presence. Everyone can breathe freely. The dogs pick up on it too, they know they are now completely safe. They can run freely for hours. Algeciras is now truly a refuge. A haven. Thanks to the determination, courage and love of the many people who fought and fought and never gave up. Words are inadequate to express my gratitude and admiration but, inadequate as it is, thank you.
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