August 04, 2021

Update Mattie

Monday 2 August 2021 

Mattie joined us on July 5, 2020. I also attached a photo of Mattie together with Noemie. She is also an ACE girl, she has been here for over 8 years.

Mattie is doing really well. He gets on very well with his girlfriend Noemie. Here in the house there is a lot of romping around with great regularity and we ourselves have to watch where we stand. Eef, my partner, sometimes even has trouble putting on her shoes, then there are two dogs standing on top of the shoes. Waiting to go for a walk together. Well, walking, it's more like running after each other. They have a lot of fun together.

Mattie herself is a very sensitive dog. He senses when things are not going well with us. He will then sit very close to you, and can look at you with the idea of ​​'I understand you very well, boss' In short, we have all been very lucky with the arrival of Mattie (man), one of his pet names. He makes sure that the day becomes a beautiful day.


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