August 07, 2021

In memoriam Dribble

 Wednesday, August 4, 2021

It is with great sadness and pain in our hearts that we would like to let you know that we unfortunately had to say goodbye to our great friend Dribbel.

Almost 3 years ago we brought him over from ACE to give him a nice old age. We loved him right away and his big black Spanish friend Mano loved him too. Unfortunately, problems with his heart prevented him from continuing. We are very grateful that we have been able to enjoy this very sweet, loyal and affectionate dog.

You could really take him anywhere with you and he was really everyone's friend.

No more the incessant paw he raised when you stopped cuddling.

Never again to be woken up at 06.00 because he thought it was time for attention and food. In the family we kept a morning schedule because he came in by barking which our neighbors didn't like. Of course we were all not always happy with this, but we would have loved to do this for a few more years.

No more jumping dog behind the door because he was so happy to get food and attention.

Never again lose sight of Mano's food bowl in an unguarded moment because he ate it quickly.

Fortunately, we were able to spend a lot of time with him because of Corona, but we would have liked to give him some more beautiful years. Thanks to everyone at Ace for letting us join this sweetheart.

Who knows if, in time, we will give a rescue dog a second chance.

I'll send you some nice pictures, including one taken at ACE when Kelly was doing an internship there.

Kind regards,


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