The black sheep is white in our eyes.
We saved a pregnant mother from the killing station, ... a mother who was upset and distressed.
A mom like thousands of others who become unwanted, roam the streets and inevitably and roamed the streets and, inevitably, become pregnant.
But the killing station doesn't care, it takes no prisoners. They are not intereestd. We took the poor dog out but before we could do anything, there in front of our noses were 6 tiny puppies, wriggling and sniffling with the new life that's been given to them.
Mama did her best, according to her circumstances - she now has the care she is entitled to. But we are sadly not a real home, we are just the emergency solution, a rescue centre. Everything was going well till yesterday morning when we became aware that there was a smaller scrap, she was clearly smaller than the others. It was very striking to see how skinny this little stumpertje was.
When they are so young and so tiny it doesn't take much for them to die. In nature if an animal is weakened it can easily die. We took Stumpertje out of the refugio and brought her home. We just wanted to and brought home, we just want to look after her and give her a chance of survival.
So all hands on deck, ... powdered milk, bottle of clean cloths, visit to a veterinarian today ... our own dedication ... we will see if this little black sheep who is white in our eyes, our stumpertje, will hold on to life ... with our help, ... thumbs up, but ...
Stumpertje Day 2 ]
She is eating well - she is able to take her bottle and she knows who her guardian angels are!

Click here for some photos.
Another Update for Stumpertje
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