July 31, 2020

Fabienne's diary: Our new residents have a lot of health problems

Thursday, July 30, 2020

In recent weeks, a lot of dogs have come to us. We recently went to the killing station where there were far too many dogs waiting for their end. One time we got 45 dogs, and the second 32, and another 23 cats. We were also involved in a terrible rescue operation, 53 dogs that were severely neglected on a site, 23 of which also came to us. Altogether there are a lot of dogs that need a new chance and to which we are committed every day. Patch them up and make them healthy, and then find them a new owner, that is our goal. But a lot has to be done for this to happen.

Several dogs have Filaria, especially those that come from the killing station. This treatment costs us an average of 250 euros per dog. It is a very effective but expensive treatment that must be done, otherwise the dog will die in the long term. Because of the long neglect others have enormous problems in gaining weight and keeping it on but that will change with good food and good follow-up. There were also several dogs with mange, these also receive the correct treatment with follow-up, but it also costs quite a bit. There are also Leishmania patients who also need treatment, Alopurinol and possibly Glucantime, and extra blood tests must be done.

The dogs that were rescued from the site are all in very bad condition, so much so that one has already died due to the serious neglect. Each of them had 1,000 ticks and fleas, and all are treated for ticks. They get everything they need to restore them; some were so skinny that they just couldn't go on anymore. And then there is the scorching heat, a heavy combination of course.
They are with us, and we are fighting for each of them. Grateful paws and a sweet lick are their answer to us. They are infinitely grateful and they deserve it more than anyone else !!

Below we give you an idea of ​​the costs for these treatments:

LEISHMANIA 175 euros (Glucantime)
+ 5 to 15 euros per month (Alopurinol)
BABESIA 30 - 50 euros (antibiotics for 30 days)

Added to this are the additional examinations, testing and care. These are just about the most common costs.
We would be very grateful to anyone who would like to take the treatment of a do. Every little bit helps to give our sweethearts the care they need.

You can donate to the following account number:
ES74 0081 0619 5800 0145 7846
in the name of Animal Care Espana Dogs In Need

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