May 22, 2021

Fabienne's Diary: Napo and Bonnie, two disposable Bulldogs ...

 Wednesday, May 19, 2021

That's how they came in, you can't believe your eyes, you just have to get on with it. Thrown off in a killing station, with the explanation that they sat on the balcony all day and became a nuisance for the neighbours, just like it was nothing, and that it was nothing more than misery with the pregnancies time and again, ... These two breeding Bullies have lived a hell.

Napo has proudly endured it and has remained “tough” for the outside world, a Bull with character, but with just about everything you can encounter here in a dog. He has Filaria and Leismania, and an eye that urgently needs surgery, because nothing was ever done about it. He must feel very rotten and miserable.

His bitch, because they were a breeding couple, is also in serious condition.. She has been bred to the last gasp. Bonnie is the most submissive soft Bull, who is giving up a bit and shows that too. She also has two eyes that need surgery. While Napo is no longer able to go on but still tries to prove the opposite, Bonnie sits quietly and looks straight ahead. 

Bonnie and Napo are two real unfortunates. Your heart aches when you see what people do to animals. And that is something different here every day. We will place these two dogs separately, somewhere with people who have time, love and have enough money to handle any upcoming costs. Bullies are bottomless pits money wise, if you neglect them, especially if they come from such a ghastly background.

We want to see both of them happy, but first we will save for the surgeries and treatments, because these have to be done first if we want to give them a little quality of life.

For more information about the bulletjes, please click on their names ...

Napo     Bonnie

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