April 06, 2021

Fabienne's Diary: Loulou, a streetwise Mastin lady ...

 Sunday, April 4, 2021

Loulou had been wandering in the interior of Spain for years, somewhere where she had nowhere to call home, but where she got pregnant again and again and gave birth to several unwanted and unexpected puppies. Time and again the local residents took the beautiful puppies but mama Loulou remained a forgotten and lost soul on the street. Due to years of street life, she has a huge tumor in her groin, just like mammary gland tumors that urgently need surgery.

She's a big lady, a Mastin, but she's not a lady who lets herself be locked up just like tha. Because, after a huge witch hunt to catch her, something I'm already against, but the council had decided that she had to go or ... And We know that that “or”, meant her death. Dogs who choose freedom are better off free, sterilised and vaccinated of course, but free. Even if they may live a few years less, they will have been happy and free, their choice as well as their way of life.  But Loulou was disturbing people, so cages and traps were set up. When she was caught, she came to us.

However, we did not know that Mama Mastin could climb over 2 meters of fence, being a tall and elderly lady, but one day the time had come. She walked in front of our clinic, for a check-up at the vet, and when they wanted to bring her in she was nowhere to be found. We didn't understand a thing, a search did not bring a solution ...

After a few days one of our neighbors came to the gate, saying that a new dog recently walked into his finca, an older Mastin lady. He spoke the following words: “If I had not seen it myself, I would never have believed that a Mastin with such a tumour and such a large body could crawl loosely over a fence of 2 meters… ”And so our darling is with us again.  A golden character, a grateful, sweet, great lady…

Now we have to start working on her surgeries, as well as the Leishmania she has into the bargain. We are going to take care of her and love her until she can come home somewhere. For a few more years. With people who understand who she is: a very good, but streetwise lady, who now wants some peace and quiet, we have the impression. She is gradually relaxing, and enjoys the hugs and the delicious food that she no longer has to look for but that is now served to her with a lot of love.

For more information about golden Loulou, please click on her name.

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