July 23, 2016

We have puppies coming out of our ears .... some abandoned with their mamas, others on their own. No. 1 Mama Lucia and her five little tots.

It's a never ending story. Puppies dumped on our doorstep, puppies found in the campo, puppies rescued from building sites. So many of the currrent stories on Fabienne's Diary are stories such as these. Here are just a few from the last eight days.

Below, Mama Lucia and her five little tots. She lived in a street where there was a depot where tow truck were parked. She became pregnant many times by the many dogs who, like her, were just trying to survive. Many puppies died, the others remained hoeless like their mama. Workers took some of them home. Others were hit by cars. Finally the boss had enough and told the workers to get rid of the 'problem'. Volunteers took 3 of the puppies and finally were also able to save the mama and the two left puppies. When mama and all her puppies were reunited in the Refugio their euphoric reaction was heartwarming! More than beautiful to see. Mama now knows she is safe and se is no longer afraid. We can stroke her and she lets us take care of her pups.

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