August 23, 2015

Gentle Dana - Happy in Holland.

   Dana with a bunny

A message from Dana's adopters. At the Refugio and on the website she was No. 5895. 

Hello everyone.

I wanted to let you know that it is really going super well with Dana. She has been with us for three years now and is a very busy, active and very sweet dog. In these three years, she has experienced a lot of fun things, like gathering together things for the dogs who are still in Spain and we delivered these together on the ACE day in 2014. She went to school for a lesson in dressing dogs in leather  has also had nice meetings with our newborn niece and granddaughter.

She likes everything and hasn't a bad bone in her body. She follows the wild rabbits in the neighbourhood, not even hunting them and if a young rabbit is sitting quietly in the bushes she gives them a lick and then continues her run. It's super fun to see. 

We are really happy with her, our little girl

Xx Dana and her adoptive family.

A lovely photo: by Paul Croes on the day ACE 2014

  At the school

Nice run in the park

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