My step! My garden!
He has really exceeded expectations. He lets us put in his eye drops, without growling. And also he does not itch or hurt any more more. Whether he actually sees better, I do not know. But he's pain and itch-free, which is the main thing. His ears are still fine.
The only thing that needs to change now is that he is as comfortable with John and Bear as he is with me! If Bear comes over to me Boelie will growl. But I'm going to get that sorted - 100%. And next year hopefully he will feel the same way towards John as he does to me. That's our goal.
Flappy was also anxious around John, for a long time. He is still, sometimees, to be frank. But he also he sometimes go up to John all by himself and put his head on John's lap. It took a year for this to happen, but we have to recognise that he had also been through a lot. And his gratitude shines out.
Boelie still growls when he's in his bench and John approaches. But when I say it's OK, he stops.
If I ride the quad bike in the evenings, I put Boelie on the saddle and he 'drives' it. He thinks it's quite fun! I will see if John can take a picture of it.

So relaxed! But I think you're meant to lie ON the bed, sweet boy!

That's better. You're getting the idea!

Flappy on the left, Bear on the right. And look who's on the step!

Such a heartwarming sight. When you think of all he's been through, it's wonderful.

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