April 11, 2015

Magda's generous donation

ACE doesn't get any funding from governments or from any other official body. All our work is possible through the love and generousity of our volunteers, sponsors and donors. Without them we couldn't keep going.

One of our wonderful supporters, Magda, has just sent a phenomenal donation of €2,000!! We are so grateful and thank her wholeheartedly.

She writes ..

Dear Fabienne and Ton,

Today I paid a sum of 2,000 euros into your account.
I know you work hard for the dogs to provide a good life and that money is always welcome. Please use it as you need it - for vetinary treatment, improving the Refugio or for food for the animals. Wherever it's needed.

I have enormous respect for your work.
And for the fantastic way that you have set up the organization and the way you run it.

Best regards,


PS: I myself have adopted Puchie and Jeanneke from ACE

Puchie and Jeanneke on the beach.

Puchie and Jeanneke at home.

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