It was time so we went looking for a dog again. After a while, it became clear that we had fallen for Madeleine! (We called her Raya)
We quickly contacted A.C.E. We still had some questions because we already have 2 dogs and 4 cats.
Madeleine (Raya) was still in Spain so we could not easily get to know her. But it just had to be this dog so the adoption protocol was initiated.
We were very well informed and so the wait begain. Then there was the long awaited call, she could come on January 5th on a flight from Spain and tso we counted down the days.

Finally, the day arrived that we could come to the airport to pick her up. And yes, the plane landed and there she was! What a beautiful sweet big dog came out of the travel cage, was she really ours? We had chosen her but what did she think of us? That soon became clear, she walked straight up to us in a straight line and it was a match.

Throughout the procedure, everything was handled by the fantastic employees of A.C.E. Now into the car and off to her new house that, of course, would also be her home. In the meanwhile we had given her another name, she is now Raya. She thought everything was a bit exciting, but she behaved well.

Once home we were very curious to see how she would respond to the pussy cats and the pussy cats to her. Fortunately, this also went without a hitch.

I had only been lying under my duvet for 2 minutes when I felt that Raya had come close to me. We stayed like that all the night, both enjoying each other's proximity.
In the beginning, it was a bit difficult for us to leave her but she soon was used to it.After 3 weeks she was already going to the park after we first practiced on a field line.We have also already attended a course at the Dog Association and, after a practice, she has been following the bike. All in all, she is a model dog, so faithful and so sweet. We also get a lot of responses from people who really want to know what kind of dog we have and what kind of breed it is, of course we tell that it's an adoption dog and that there are many more dogs waiting for a home. She is also crazy about water, we go very often to the dog beach where she can frolic with her friends and girlfriends.

From the very first moment she is already part of our lives, we are so happy with her. And we would like to thank all those who are committed to giving these wonderful sweet dogs a future.
A lot of love from Piet, Linda and Raya

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