This poor chap lived permanently tied up to a chain, no longer than a metre long. All he had was some horribly dirty water and a dirty food tray ...how sad. When the people around could no longer disregard this neglect nor wait for the authorities to do something they brought him to us.
When he first entered the Refugio, he ran strangely, like a small horse, lifting his hind legs very high ... Little Pony was clearly not accustomed to running loose and had to get used to being allowed to stretch the legs. (Photo 4) He is fully recovered now, everything is so exiting for him and he wants to explore everything.
Little Pony is friendly and people-oriented, he also responds well to other dogs. He is still young and still has to offer so many years of friendship ... maybe to you?
For more information about Little Pony and see his videos, please click here.

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