Raika is now been with us for almost three weeks and it feels as if we'd known her much longer. When we saw the ACE website's photo + movie and read the text, she was already in our hearts. And it turns out that even those hugely positive comments about her on the website didn't completely do her justice. She really is a treasure! A very sweet and affectionate animal. She loves to cuddle and play. Crazy for people.
From the very first day she she listened well and responded to her name (once of course trained with a nice treat!) The second week we were already able to let her run loose it in the woods. Lovely run and sniff. She keeps a close eye on us, coming straight away if we call her. We are so happy to see her coming with her wagging tail. We laugh and laugh: she is such a funny, lovely and endearing dog. And, goodness, she is so small! A lot smaller than we expected - and that's absolutely OK. We simply exchanged the things we had bought for her for smaller ones. Occasionally she has an accident in the house, and requires some attention. It took a while before we recognized the signals.
The first week we had the vet just take a look at her. "What a nice little thing," he said. "Completely healthy. There you go, have fun for a long time with her'. This week, however, she had diarrhea with a little blood. Anal glands expressed and a cure against chiardia for sure. Now she was her old self again.
During these three weeks, we have seen a change in the look in her eyes, as you can see in the pictures. First, she was a little withdrawn and sad, now she's becoming happier and more alert. More and more at home. Our pack is complete again with this very fine girl. We thank all the ACE staff for their care and commitment. Really heartening what you do for animals and humans!
Hilda, Sim and Raika Kef

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