Eighteen months ago Arya came into our family. She felt at home immediately and became the friend of the whole family. Even the cats, sheep and chicken. But a dog friend was missing so on 23 October Lola joined us. Two treasures that we would not be without. Everything is going super well. Lola is a scamp and sometimes does some adolescent pranks, but her big "sister" shows her how to behave !!
Every day they show us what super dogs Mastin crosses are - friendly, calm, playful, social with people and animals. Lola's (Liselore) two sisters - Lisette and Liselotje are also in Belgium. If their
owners would like to get in touch we'd love to hear from them and get together.
To Fabienne, and all the other volunteers, thank you for what you do, the adoption went really well.
Stephan and Gonda

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