February 22, 2015

Guicci, our brave little warrior

In July last year, we discovered that our adopted dog Guicci had anal gland cancer. He was terminally ill, which is so sad as he was still only eleven years old.

The prognosis was that he had only 3 or 4 months and then the cancer would have spread all the way!! We were devastated because we felt so powerless.

After several days of sadness, we decided that we would give him the best months that a dog could wish. And so we went to the sea, a walk every day, every day delicious sweets, he came with us everywhere on visits and was with us when we went to the restaurant.

And Guicci thinks that all this is great, and we likewise !!

Time ticked on and suddenly the 4 months 5 months, etc. had gone by and today was the day. 
Guicci's birthday - he made it to his twelfth birthday. What a party we had, quite emotional because little by little he goes backwards, but we just continue to make every day the best.

If he starts to be in real pain, then we'll let him go gently. We love him so much we want to do what's best for him. 

But today we do not think of this. Today brave Guicci is just our birthday boy.

Wim and Nancy

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