A few weeks ago, Fabienne's Diary told the story of fifteen or more dogs who had been dumped on La Cala Market. The Fuengirola killing station were on the scene quickly, drugging the dogs and catching them. When Fabienne got there they were still there. Fabienne begged them to give them to her but no - they were determined to take them to the killing station. Then Fabienne could take them - if she paid for them. It was an enormous amount of money.
She could only take one little dog. But there's great news - we have bought them and they are safe at El Refugio. Sadly three of them had already died, but we were able to rescue the other twelve. There are still some dogs who were dumped at the market that are wandering around the streets of La Cala. We are working to save them.
Here they all are, poor souls. They were terribly hungry and of course they are still very scared. Where they came from, who dumped them, who knows. They do, of course. Their eyes speak a thousand words, but of course they can't tell us. They are such a mixture of ages and breeds, it's hard to imagine who could have owned them.
Thanks to everyone who helped us with this, thank you for your compassion .. they are safe now. Tomorrow is another day - back to work.

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