Who was pining away without her. He was literally dying of a broken heart and nothing Fabienne or anybody else could do would persuade him to eat, to want to live. Then, as a last ditch attempt to save him Fabienne sent Duardo to Belgium to a wonderful kind foster mother. And it worked. He began to eat, slowly, slowly. The little tail began to wag. Read his story on Fabienne's Diary - and the moving letter from his foster mum too.
She says in the introduction - "Our little Duardo is getting better every day. Here's a little movie where you can see how happy he is. When he first met us he didn't want to play with the other dogs. After two months in care it's a pure joy for us and for him. C'est formidable."
This darling little dog is ready to be adopted via A.C.E. He had such a sad experience and now he is happy again and looking forward to his own golden basket.

I love going out in the car.

Such a sweet face!
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