July 15, 2021

Frenkie (Ace Dogos 17252) update

 Wednesday 14 July 2021

Our dear Frenkie has been with us for over a year now. What a ride it was! He arrived in the Netherlands completely traumatized from the long journey in the truck. Afraid of everything and everyone and very nervous.

After 8 (!) months, a lot of patience, love and practice led to a switch with our Frenk in February of this year. He was more confident and less nervous overnight. At the moment he only knows 1 fear, children, we will never know why this is. 

Beyond this, he has fully blossomed, he is a very sweet dog. Very elated and crazy when we play with him or when he is allowed to run in the meadow (he runs like a deer ) but he also enjoys life in the house especially when he can lie down with us. 

He is still reserved and reserved with strangers, but this is part of him. Being alone for longer is also a challenge, but we have a solution for this in the form of a sweet dog sitter. We hope we can enjoy him for a long time and still see him grow every day

We have included 2 before and 3 after photos.

 Greetings Sanne and Jari

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