July 15, 2021

Fabienne's Diary: Etoile begs not to be left behind ...

 Tuesday 13 July 2021 

A couple was standing in front of the door, Mr. a German, Mrs. a South American. They were urgently ringing the bell at our front door. We are returning to our homeland and the dog has to leave now. The man stood by and looked at the dog,  it was clearly not his decision.

Etoile, the shadow of her owner and this for many years. Fully educated, indescribably sweet and devoted to her owner. But her boss wanted to get rid of her NOW. He was laughing awkwardly, but for Etoile there was nothing funny about it. She begged with her eyes and just looked at him. But they went out, and didn't look back. And Etoile's world came crashing down.

For two days she did not want to eat, nor could she find rest. She immediately lays on her back and submits to us submissively, she is panting and nervous, she is powerless. Etoile is a treasure of a Shepherd who needs a new owner who will take her to heart. She is social and sweet, but we want to place her alone or with one dog, not in a large group. She is very sensitive, and unconditionally loyal.

For more information about Etoile, please click on her name.

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