November 09, 2018

Fabienne's Diary: Why would you euthanise this little dog?

We called her Croqueta. She was taken to a veterinarian to be put to sleep. The reason given for this was that she smelled, could hardly walk, that she was old and worn and that the lady, her owner, did not want her anymore. The vet listened to this while the little dog, barely 9 years old, looked at him and almost shivered out of her body ... She knew what was happening, she felt it. Her boss paid the vet for the euthanasia and left; the veterinarian, on the other hand, wanted to know for sure whether the dog was actually so sick that she had to be put to sleep, and began to examine her.

Croqueta had difficulties but that was mainly due to her overweight. Furthermore, he could not find anything that would be a reason for euthanasia. Croqueta suddenly started giving him lick and cuddled against him. Glad that her boss was gone, and happy with someone who bothered to give her a little attention.

The vet kept the dog with him for a few days and the reality is that Croqueta was not a dog that should have been put down, on the contrary. She ran and played, cuddled, ran up and down the stairs - she was very affectionate. Croqueta is now staying with a foster family, and they have only praise this little thing that lives happily and happily until someone gives her a warm, forever  home. Croqueta is now on a diet, she has lost some weight but needs to lose some more. She is already slimmer and wants to live on, ... For her boss, Croqueta no longer exists, but for us she does and hopefully she has a long and happy life ahead of her. Croqueta deserves a golden basket.

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