July 04, 2015

Yay! ACE Day is on September 5th!

Dearest ACE Shin Friends,

We all know what is going on in the Refugio in Spain and we're doing everything possible to comply with the mandatory refurbishments within the short time span we've been given.

Howeer, we're also proud to say that the ACE and SHIN-day, 2015, will go ahead as planned. We want to share the success of the adoptions with the whole world, our dogs deserve it!
We will not hang our heads and will go on fighting for their welfare.

Come and celebrate this on our ACEDAG on SEPT 5 (Netherlands) and the SHINDAG on SEPT 6 (Belgium) together with Fabienne and her team !!!

The Acedag this year will take place in Eck en Wiel, entrance fees are the same as last year € 7.50 for adults and € 5.00 for children / 12 years.

To sign up for the Acedag you can send an email to pr.nederland@ace-charity.org

For the rental of the stalls or if you would like to help you can mail to this address too.

We all hope to see you on Saturday, September 5th !!!

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