July 04, 2015

Pim (Badir) is the star of the Interwebs

Denise has forwarded this lovely email from the new Mum of little Badir, now called Pim. He has his own Instagram page and video on YouTube!  What a little Star. It only goes to show what we already knew, ACE dogs are, well, ACE!!!

Star of the Internet!

Hello Denise,

This is Saskia from The Netherlands. Do you remember litte Badir? You took good care of him last summer and we have adopted him in September 2014. We call him Pim nowadays.
I can tell you that he isn't afraid anymore. He is full off joy and fun and he isn't afraid of anything. Well, one thing he is afraid of.. that I am leaving. So he always stays close to me. He loves to go out for walks and is very very playfull haha.
Something very funny is going on now. I make dance-video's for YouTube (Saskia's Dansschool). And Pim doesnt like to be home alone so I take him with me whenever possible. So people can see him in our video's and now he has got fans from all over the world. People are putting reactions underneath the video's, telling us that they love Pimmie so much. 

My daughter also made an Instagram page for Pimmiethedog and everyday he gets more and more followers from all over the world. Its very funny. Here you can see one of our videos with Pim (its been seen over 4 miljoen times) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sui36-RJHxk

As you can see Pim is watching us the whole time. He is always watching me because he doesn't want me to leave (I am the girl with the cap in the videos :-)
He is so very funny, cute and sweet. We enjoy and love him sooo much!!!
I thought you would like to hear this story Denise :-)
Much love and greetings from The Netherlands.
Saskia van Dijk

Look at that adorable face - no wonder he's a star!

Cuddles from his Mum at the airport.


A warm lap and a forever home!

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