May 16, 2015

The work begins - thanks to so many wonderful people

The first lorry, loaded with material.

Work in the Refugio begins to take shape. Finally, we can make a start of the enormous task ahead! Transport has arrived from the Netherlands and Belgium with the necessary tools and the Spaniards are today coming to bring the temporary pens. We must now keep our fingers crossed that we'll make it in time.

Unfortunately the renovations are very costly. Can you spare something - would you like to help us?!

If so you can deposit your donation in the following accounts:

For Belgium: BE42 7805 9221 8254
Netherlands: NL02 ABNA 0463 518 128

Please specify: "Emergency Refugio"
Even if you can only make a small contribution, it will makes a difference!

The first materials arrive.

Tiles, bricks, mortar ..



Another lorry load.

The temporary cages arrive

Lowering the cages.


The cages being assembled.

A lot to do.

Preparing to treat the rust.

Preparing the old cages for rust proofing.

Stephen painting with anti-rust paint.

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