Dear everyone,
Your messages of support in this terrible plight are heartwarming.
From today we have officially been given notice to do the work, and so we start the countdown - thirty days.
We will now do everything we possibly can to try to get more time to meet all their requirements.
Meanwhile, we have not been inactive, both here and in the other countries where we work, there is a lot happening on a global level so we are trying to put in some structure.
Please don't misunderstand me. We are so happy with your help, and are so grateful for anything, small or large. However, might we ask you to contact the following people, in the first instance :-
pr.nederland@ace-charity.org pr-belgie@ace-charity.org PR Belgium Netherlands
They will send you a volunteer form to fill in, and when we have that information we can contact you.
If too many people travel out at the same time, we won't all be able to work as some things will need to be done first, the walls, the tiles etc. There will also be some jobs that have to be done professionally, such as the electrics. By filling in the form we will know what everyone can offer and so make the best use of all your wonderful offers of help. One of these will be painting, but not straight away.
It will take a week before we can start properly, as we have to wait for all the orders to be processed and the materials to be delivered. We really can't do anything until they have arrived.
It's annoying and frustrating. We feel as if we're standing on hot coals. Our nerves play tricks on us. We're going through a real nightmare.
Thank you all for everything.
Until the next update
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