Fabienne wrote: Stevie has gone home. Home to a heaven on earth. Who knows for how much time, but even if it's only for a moment, his world is saved. Thank you to everyone! Fabienne
With Diane at the airport. On the way to his forever home. If only he knew what lies ahead.
This is what lay ahead. A true miracle. This is the little blind dog who was so traumatised he wouldn't let people near him and who acted in such a bizarre way, the vet thought he might have a neurological condition. Thanks to the love, care and devotion of everyone at Algeciras and Team Spain and to the wonderful people who adopted him, he's a different dog.
Analies writes:
Stef (Stevie Wonder)

Arrival at the airport
He sat quietly on our laps the whole journey from the airport to the Achterhoek, alert to everything that was happening around him. He senses something, but what exactly we do not know (yet). Every 5 minutes we were rediscovered by Stef and we got another extensive wash.
Right from the start it went well with our other three dogs. It all went much better than expected. He is very happy and plays like a puppy with his floss rope. Every morning is a feast for him and also for us. Once he sees our eyelashes flutter he jumps onto us again for yet another extended wash.move it on top of us again for an extended wash. He can find his way round the house all right and even the garden. He cheerfully walks round it all on his own and somehow finds the door to get back inside (the garden is 1400m2!).
In early August we will take Stef to Wageningen for a comprehensive examination to try see if anything can still be done to get his sight or hearing back. Stef is a happy and above all a sweet boy. He's been born again and we are incredibly happy with him.

Step is really happy with the other dogs.

In the lap of luxury

Picture of contentment.
Since then there's been another update. A wonderful piece about Stef in his new home. As I've said before miracles don't just happen. People make them happen by love, patience, devotion and refusing to accept that things can't change.
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