A message from Maureen, Sereno's Foster Mum
Sereno has been with us for a year now but he's still waiting for that longed for golden basket. He's made a lot of progress. To those who care for him and who he's used to he's a most loyal friend. For me he's basically a huge hug on legs who will crawl into your lap looking for cuddles. He responds wonderfully to kindness.
Sereno was in shelter at El Refugio for over three years, ever since he was a little pup. I naively thought that he would quickly adapt as coming from a shelter he was used to there being lots of dogs and people around and he was everybody's friend. But he hasn't responded as I'd hoped. He's sociable with other dogs in the pack though he is still uncertain with strange dogs and may chase them.
For some reason his looks don't seem to appeal to people, who knows why as he's such a handsome dog. A mix reminiscent of a Schnauzer, a German Pointing and a Griffon dog with his funny beard and eyebrows. And as I have said he's a huge hug on legs, so affectionate when he knows you.
He is housebroken and will stay quietly at home alone, in his bench for a few hours. Outside, in a quiet pedestrian environment, he'll ignore other people. But at home, where it's safe, he finds strangers disconcerting and is very timid around them. He enjoys his walks and can run off the lead in quiet places as he will come back when you call him. You can see that in the video - link below.
People who will see how very much he has learned and who don't have expectations he can not meet. Who can see that he will be scared the first few days and will want to flee back to an environment he knows and trusts.
It will be so hard for me to let him go, but I have a disability and can no longer cope, especially with a big dog - more so in the winter months. So I am hoping and hoping that I can find the perfect family for Sereno. Somewhere there must be a place for him, a very special basket and the love he deserves so much.
You can all help by sharing his story and this appeal on social media like Facebook. Who knows succeed with your help that this faithful golden basket that hug so deserve.
Some lovely videos of Sereno and a link to his page on the ACE website.
Sereno's adoption page.
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