Portrait of a happy dog
We have more news of this sweet boy from his lovely new owner. Flappy has been with her for four weeks now. She writes: -
He's happy - it's plain to see. He comes up and 'forces' me to pet him. He gives kisses. When I wake in the morning Bear is there, with Flap, scratching at my legs, because he too wants attention. But first I must wake must wake myself up as Bear needs to go out to pee and this is all new for Flappy (who can't pee normally as he is incontinent). It all depends a lot on Bear, he sets a great example. Flap follows him everywhere.
When Bear wakes up and walks out to the back Flap nudges him gently in his face. Bear tries to get away but he's not fast enough. If Bear goes in the garden, Flappy does too - it doesn't matter whether he is able to do anything or not because what Bear does, Flap does too. If Bear pees in one spot, Flap goes and and pees in the same place. Occasionally you can see Bear thinking 'when is he going to go back to his own home?' But it's fine.
Flap is happy. And he's put on a few pounds too. You can see that and feel it too. All is going super well with him. Walking outside is NOT one of his favourite pastimes. When I go to get the leads he runs. Here he's also following Bear's example - he too prefers to stay in the garden. They are happy there. The front gate is open during the day but the wooden gate is closed so they can run freely in the garden.
A few days ago I was away and John was working in the garden; he had the control for the wooden gate in his pocket. When anyone comes up the ramp, a bell sounds. John heard this, looked up and saw, terrified, that the wooden gate was open and Flappy was out, he'd slipped out and was standing in the driveway. Bear was sitting in the driveway, which he does a lot - he likes to get out. John swallowed down his panic, stayed calm and happy and called Bear and Flappy. Bear naturally came running straight away and dear Flappy, he was happy to come too because where Bear goes, Flappy goes too. Occasionally to Beer's disgust. But now ... thank God ... lucky for us. Goodnight all. X

Where Bear goes, Flappy goes too

But when it comes to bones ... we each have our own!
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