.... almost every day we arrive at the gates to find a box, a crate, a suitcase. And inside these tiny little souls, discarded. Just thrown away. At least those left outside our gate are lucky. They have a chance. We won't abandon them.
Others are also lucky, but in more precarious situations - dumped in the garbage, left by the side of the road or by the bottle bank. The more fortunate of these little things are found by compassionate people who bring them to us. How many others are not found, left to their fate? It doesn't bear thinking about.
Despite our best efforts, sadly some puppies don't survive. We never give up and our reward is to see those who make it grow it to wonderful, happy dogs. Below you can see some of the latest arrivals and a couple of little stars who have been with us for a couple of months and are doing really well.

Just a crate? We know better

This is what we find nearly every day

In safe hands at last
Miloha is a little star
Dwarfed in the big basket
Such a cutie
If I'm very good, will you take me home?
Krilin, little sweetheart
Such a lovely face
Krilin - a future ballerina?
wauw probably when we are accepted as adopt parents, we got Miloha!!