A large plastic crate had been dumped by the gate. In it a cardboard box, securely tied with a rope. When the nightshift arrived and found it they imagined the worst. Puppies. It must be puppies and would even one of them have survived?
They tried to pick up the box. It was impossible to lift. Not puppies then. No puppies, even Mastin puppies, would weigh that much. They cut the rope and opened the box - they could not believe their eyes. Inside were three grown dogs, folded, crushed, crammed into that confined space. One of them a bitch on heat. They weighed respectively 14, 10 and 8 kilograms.
How sick in the head can you be? Who would want to do that to another living creature? Why go to all that trouble just to inflict such pain? Abandoning dogs is already terrible ... but this! It makes you despair for the human race, or at least some members of it. Though, come to think of it, can we even allow such monsters to be called human?
The dogs are all in shock from their experience. Crammed together in the dark, barely able to breathe, their limbs cramped and distorted. Terrorised. Petrified. Uncomprehending. Ten days later, safe in our care, they are still suffering. Rumba, Salsa and Flamenco are having great difficulty in recovering from the appalling treatment they were subjected to. Yes, they'll allow us to stroke them now, but they're very tense. They tremble and don't want to leave their hiding place under the cupboard.
One thing is certain. These poor, innocent dogs will never forget their terrible experience. All we can hope is that with time, love and tenderness they will begin to understand that not all humans are monsters. They will learn not to cringe, they will be willing to venture out from under their cupboard.
For now we can only wait, offer kind, soft words, gentleness and space for them to recover in their own time. Time and patience and one day, one day we hope they will understand that there exist loving humans, anxious to take them in their arms and give them a loving home and a happy future.

Rumba, Salsa & Flamenco under the cupboard, their place of safety

Flamenco and Salsa

Look at the pain in those beautiful eyes

Flamenco needs love and patience to recover
With our help Salsa will trust again, one day
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