An affectionate darling just longing for his very own home, his very own family. And so deserving of a happy life.
Beautiful Steven. Found wandering all alone in someone’s garden but now safe in the Refugio. Fabienne describes him as ‘the apple of our eye’. That’s so true. I loved him when I met him in October – everyone loves this elegant and charming fellow and he loves them. Such an affectionate boy. Dogs are crazy about him. He’s not too happy about cats, though, but nobody’s perfect.
Steven’s been in the Refugio for a long time. He makes everyone happy but he’s just longing to have a family of his own. Would you like to take this elegant, charming Galgo cross into your heart and your home? He’ll make you laugh and he’ll make you smile and he’ll love you to bits – forever.
Here are some more pictures of this joyful boy, taken when he had a well deserved day out, on his own. Just as if he already had a golden basket. Fabienne says he walked like a deer on the beach. With his own home and his own family, he'd be able to do that every day.
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